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  2. Dead Age

Installs: 126
Game Description

Dead Age Free Game Screenshot
Try to survive in a zombie apocalypse with turn-based battles! Command the survivors, make dangerous attacks, build relationships, create equipment, make difficult decisions that change the plot, and defend the camp from the crowds of the living dead. A notable feature of Dead Age is that the course of the story is affected by serious consequences of decisions in the non-linear plot of the game. You can let the survivors die and take all the food for yourself or choose the path of the hero and save as many of them as possible. Build romantic relationships with other survivors or provoke them into rivalry, which can lead to a catastrophic situation. Daily events create new situations in which the chances of the camp's survival are affected by decisions you must make. Try to survive as long as possible, and it may happens that you will open one of the six possible endings of the game.
Giveaways Zombie Action
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