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  2. Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition

Installs: 348
Game Description

Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition Free Game Screenshot
Fallout: New Vegas is the sequel to the 2008 video game Fallout 3. Explore the vast expanses of the wasteland, from small towns to the bright lights of New Vegas. The choices you make will bring you into contact with countless characters, creatures, allies and enemies and determine the final outcome of an epic power struggle between rival factions. With double the number of weapons, you'll have more than enough new and exciting ways to deal with the threats of the wasteland and the locals. Plus, a new weapon configuration system will let you tinker with your toys and see the changes you make in real time. In a huge open world with unlimited possibilities, you can see the sights, choose a side or act alone. Ultimate Edition includes all additions and improvements.
Giveaways Action Fps Third Person First Person
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