1. Game Giveaways
  2. Requiem Avenging Angel

Installs: 41
Game Description

Requiem Avenging Angel Free Game Screenshot
Requiem: Avenging Angel is a biblical-themed 3D first-person action game set in a world under siege. A holy war is raging on Earth between Heaven's Chosen Soldiers and Hell's Fallen Angels. You play as the Chosen Angel sent to Earth to save Creation from the wrath of the Fallen. Race through an immersive futuristic 3D world while developing angelic abilities such as possession, blood boils, swarms of locusts and the ability to turn enemies into pillars of salt. Players are in for an exciting action with a rich storyline and realistic character interaction. Fight demons and minions of hell using rare angelic powers. Take up arms against the dark horde of the Fallen and use seven unique weapons.
Giveaways Fps First Person Shooter 3d
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