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  2. Call of Duty: Mobile for free

Call of Duty: Mobile for free


Made for mobile, this popular multiplayer online first-person shooter is now available to play on your PC or laptop.

Call of Duty: Mobile for free


Call of Duty: Mobile has two game modes - multiplayer and 100-player battle royale. The second mode is an almost complete copy of the PUBG Mobile game. In a multiplayer game, you fight in 5v5 teams. There are about 5 maps in the game, on which the fighting unfolds. They are designed so that you can unleash the potential of this or that weapon. Therefore, here everyone decides for himself what tactics to use on a particular map. Before the battle, you are asked to choose one of four sets of equipment. Initially, only two sets are available to players. The fight ends as soon as one of the teams gains 50 points.


Depending on the level of your experience, you have the opportunity to choose different weapons. Each weapon can be upgraded in a separate window. The game also has additional deadly weapons that appear in battle after a while. This can be a minigun, grenade launcher, flamethrower, and others. In addition, grenades and abilities (increased running speed, health regeneration, etc.) are available. During combat, bonus killing weapons sometimes appear, such as a drone filled with explosives or a radio-controlled missile that destroys everything within a 10-meter radius.

Graphics and sound

The game uses all the features of the Unity engine, which provides excellent graphics and detail, and the textures are done at the highest level. The game is accompanied by excellent, unobtrusive musical accompaniment, and stereo sound effects help to identify sources of fire in battle.


Call of Duty: Mobile is an extremely fast paced game with cool graphics and great gameplay with minor flaws such as conflicting weapon upgrades and a large but identical arsenal. You can download Call of Duty: Mobile for PC from our website.

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