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  2. Games for Windows 7 for free

Games for Windows 7 for free


The Windows 7 operating system is installed on most home PCs. All game genres are represented in games for Windows: racing, shooters, simulations, adventures, arcades.

Games for Windows 7 for free

Windows 7 release

Windows 7 is an operating system released by Microsoft 3 years after the release of Windows Vista. For a long time, Windows XP remained the main popular operating system, although Windows 7 was much better than Vista. And only by 2012, Windows 7 was able to take the position of the most used Windows OS.

Best Games

You can see the full list of games for this operating system on our website. Moreover, all the games presented are absolutely free and available for download. Choose any game you like, download and play. Only here you can download free games for Windows 7. Games compatible with this OS are protected from malicious code, so the installation is safe for your computers. More than four dozen anti-virus systems keep the software clean. Our site provides fast and convenient download of only licensed games. We do not distribute hacked or pirated distributions.

Game selection

To choose a free PC game for this system, check the ratings, see the screenshots and videos on our website. Check back often to download games to your PC or laptop for free.

Download games of different genres

Computer games have long ceased to be entertainment for children, and they are quite rightly classified as a kind of art. On our website you can download games of various genres and for every taste for free. Our website contains one of the largest libraries of games. Just choose the category that suits you best and you won't have to spend half a day looking through all the available games. And using the search on the website will help you find any game even faster.

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