1. Game Giveaways
  2. Capcom Arcade Stadium

Installs: 217
Game Description

Capcom Arcade Stadium Free Game Screenshot
Capcom Arcade Stadium is Capcom's collection of classic games that takes you back to the days of the arcade, but with exciting new features that were not there at the time. All your favorite genres in this exciting selection - shooters, fighting games, action games - are waiting for you! It has everything you need to recreate the atmosphere of the game gallery. Flexible image settings allow you to make the picture the way you remember it, and completely immerse yourself in the golden age of arcade machines. With rewind, speed control and the ability to save and load the game anywhere, your old favorite games will take on a new life. There are online leaderboards for every game so you can compare yourself with other players from all over the world.
Giveaways Arcade Laptop
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