1. Game Giveaways
  2. City of Brass

Installs: 182
Game Description

City of Brass Free Game Screenshot
City of Brass is a merciless rogue-lite game in the oriental style of a tale of a thousand and one nights. Your hero is armed with a whip and a saber. With the help of a whip, you can disarm traps and stun enemies, cling and use mechanisms, break objects and simply attack enemies. Beat and cut, defeat the crowds of the dead with strength and cunning. You must get to the next level before the last grain of time falls. Gather treasures and search chests, upgrade weapons and armor and find powerful artifacts. But don't expect an easy ride as the city itself turns against you. You have to overcome deep chasms, dodge deadly blades, dodge spears, arrows and floor traps, as well as avoid poisonous gas cylinders. And in each of these traps you can lure enemies.
Giveaways Fps Action First Person 3d
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