1. Game Giveaways
  2. Crossroads Inn Anniversary Edition

Installs: 36
Game Description

Crossroads Inn Anniversary Edition Free Game Screenshot
Crossroads Inn is a real-time, RPG-based tavern management simulator. The game includes two unique modes that offer a completely different gaming experience. In sandbox mode, players will focus exclusively on running their economy and business in order to build their own tavern, manage supply chains, hire and control staff, and create new recipes. In campaign mode, the kingdom is unstable and a change of power is expected, and micromanagement is just a prelude to a rich history. Your hotel will soon catch the attention of important political and military figures desperate to hold onto the reins. Players will become participants in a massive drama full of political intrigue, vivid characters, insidious characters and dangerous quests inspired by role-playing games. The Anniversary Edition includes several additions and bonuses.
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