1. Game Giveaways
  2. Dakar Desert Rally

Installs: 405
Game Description

Dakar Desert Rally Free Game Screenshot
The Dakar Desert Rally is the craziest desert race yet, capturing the speed and excitement of the biggest rally on the planet. Here you will find a variety of licensed motorcycles, cars, trucks and all-terrain vehicles from the world's best manufacturers, as well as unique challenges for both fans of realistic off-road and arcade racing fans. Compete against other pilots in intense multiplayer races or race across the endless sands in single player. Ride freely in any direction across a huge open world. Four seasons await you, as well as the full cycle of day and night. Cope with the vagaries of nature such as menacing sandstorms, scorching desert sun, sweltering rain, snow and mud to defeat your opponents.
Giveaways Off Road Rally Racing Simulator
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