1. Game Giveaways
  2. Dandara Trials of Fear Edition

Installs: 78
Game Description

Dandara Trials of Fear Edition Free Game Screenshot
Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition is a unique 2D metroidvania platformer. The world of this game is full of mysterious creatures and endless possibilities for exploration. Overcome the laws of gravity and jump across floors, walls and ceilings. Uncover the secrets and mysteries hidden in the game world, and meet many different characters. Strengthen the fighting and survival abilities of the main character, Dandara, to face ferocious enemies. This version of the game focuses on the plot, telling details about the game world and the lives of its inhabitants. And a world of visual and audio wonders comes to life with the help of gorgeous hand-drawn pixel art and an original soundtrack.
Giveaways Action Adventure Laptop
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