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  2. Eximius Seize the Frontline

Installs: 660
Game Description

Eximius Seize the Frontline Free Game Screenshot
Eximius: Seize the Frontline is a hybrid of a first-person shooter and a real-time strategy with squad control. The game brilliantly combines first-person shooter and strategic decision-making in the spirit of real-time strategy. A key feature of the game is the competitive mode, in which teams of players battle each other in a post-apocalyptic urban environment. This game gives players the opportunity to choose completely different roles in battle, allowing them to apply not only reaction, but also strategic thinking in battles. Take on the role of commander and rebuild the base, form an army and help allies on the battlefield with various means of support, helping them to capture territory, or try yourself as an officer and lead your squad into combat in the first person and destroy enemies with thoughtful tactics or brutal strength.
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