1. Game Giveaways
  2. First Class Trouble

Installs: 163
Game Description

First Class Trouble Free Game Screenshot
First Class Trouble is a team game where players must survive a disaster by working together and against each other. The goal is to disable the deadly artificial intelligence that controls the luxury space liner. Some players are humanoid killer robots posing as ordinary people and ready to betray their comrades at any moment. To disable the angry AI, passengers must infiltrate new areas of the ship, communicating with each other and agreeing to work together to complete tasks. Playing as a robot, deceive human passengers and weave intrigues to impersonate a person. As a passenger, look for clues and watch your comrades uncover androids. When moving from one area to another, players vote to destroy the robots by throwing them through the airlock.
Giveaways Third Person Action 3d Logic
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