1. Game Giveaways
  2. For The King

Installs: 292
Game Description

For The King Free Game Screenshot
For The King is a strategic RPG game that combines elements of a board game and a rogue-like game in an exciting adventure that will change the fate of kingdoms. You can play alone or in company with other players both online and in the local network. Each game is unique because of procedurally generated maps, tasks and events. Look into the eyes of cruelty, fight evil creatures, plow the sea and plunge into the dark underground world. All, who went on a trip before you, did not return. Can you put an end to chaos? Fight and die in a dynamic and brutal turn-based battle, use a unique system of cells for attacks and abilities. Look for and collect herbs for the good old tube that will heal wounds and cure diseases. Create a safe camp or face the horrors that come at night.
Giveaways Adventure Action 3d Laptop
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