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  2. Hue

Installs: 188
Game Description

Hue Free Game Screenshot
Hue is an amazingly immersive puzzle platform game that captivates players with its vibrant graphics and addictive game mechanics. In this extraordinary adventure, you have the unique ability to change the very fabric of the world by manipulating its colors. Driven by an unwavering determination to find your missing mother, you embark on a perilous journey through a desolate and treacherous halftone realm where hope seems lost. However, there are glimmers of optimism when you stumble across the scattered remnants of bright hues in the midst of a monochrome landscape. With a unique combination of danger, intrigue and a vibrant palette, the game invites you on an unforgettable journey that goes beyond the usual puzzle platformers. Prepare to be lost in a realm where the power of color becomes your greatest ally, and each step forward brings you closer to the truth and reunion you seek.
Giveaways Arcade Logic Puzzle Laptop
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