1. Game Giveaways
  2. Immortal Redneck

Installs: 76
Game Description

Immortal Redneck Free Game Screenshot
Immortal Redneck is a roguelite first-person shooter set in Egypt. Classic first-person shootouts are combined with roguelite game mechanics, players are waiting for dynamic, an arcade atmosphere and responsive controls on the one hand, and randomly generated dungeons, nine classes with different features, a skill tree and the possibility of final character death on the other hand. The story revolves around a redneck tourist who, after an accident, wakes up covered in bandages and in ancient Egypt. The answer to the question why he became a mummy is hidden in the three dangerous pyramids of Giza, the corridors of which are guarded by armies of monsters and huge bosses. Get into the pyramids and kill all the enemies.
Giveaways Fps First Person Shooter 3d Laptop
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