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  2. Lifeless Planet Premier Edition

Installs: 129
Game Description

Lifeless Planet Premier Edition Free Game Screenshot
Lifeless Planet: Premier Edition is a third-person action adventure game that tells an old-school science fiction story and captures the thrilling atmosphere of a classic action movie. After a hard landing on the planet, the astronaut discovers that the planet, which must be rich in life, is a barren wasteland. While searching for his team, he makes a more startling discovery, finding evidence that people were already on this planet many years ago! When he finds a deserted town of the Soviet era, he tries to understand the meaning of his mission. Did his journey to the planet send him back in time? Or is this some kind of cold war's strange trickery? Equipped with a limited-use jetpack and a folding robotic arm, the player must use wit and skill to solve puzzles, uncover secrets and survive on a Lifeless planet!
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