1. Game Giveaways
  2. Magrunner Dark Pulse

Installs: 104
Game Description

Magrunner Dark Pulse Free Game Screenshot
Magrunner: Dark Pulse is a puzzle game in which technology challenges the Cthulhu myth invented by writer Lovecraft. You are Dax, one of seven Magrunners selected from the best to participate in the MagTech Corporation space training program. But what should be the chance of a lifetime is quickly turning into a terrible nightmare. With the Magtech glove, you must use the magnetic polarization ability and manipulate objects in the environment in order to survive and overcome challenging puzzles. Your ingenuity and reflexes will be pushed to the limit as you overcome 40+ huge and dangerous levels, including high-tech training rooms and endless abysses of lost space. And you have to meet the terrible creatures of Cthulhu!
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