1. Game Giveaways
  2. Rising Storm 2 Vietnam

Installs: 677
Game Description

Rising Storm 2 Vietnam Free Game Screenshot
The game takes the franchise into the era of portable grenade launchers, automatic rifles and more modern weapons systems, while maintaining the characteristic features of the series - the historicity and realism of the use of weapons. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is intense battles between the troops of the South (South Vietnam, the United States and its allies) and the North (regular units of the Vietnamese People's Army and the National Liberation Front - Viet Cong guerrillas). The troops of the South have firepower and mobility, each army has its own combat support troops. The troops of the North are more diverse and include the Vietnamese People's Army, a more equipped main fighting force, and the National Liberation Front guerrillas.
Giveaways Fps Action 3d First Person
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