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  2. Silent Gentlemen

Installs: 119
Game Description

Silent Gentlemen Free Game Screenshot
Silent Gentleman is an RPG set in a fictional medieval outpost. A young impoverished nobleman who has turned into a robber and protector of the weak, with his partner receives a mysterious letter. The letter was written by a young noblewoman and childhood friend of the protagonist, who several years ago went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In it, she asks her friend to help her liberate a distant outpost that has been tyrannized by the baron and his sinister comrades. Not wanting to leave a friend in trouble and not let injustice go unpunished, they decided to correct their mistakes at a long-forgotten outpost. It is a JRPG with a turn-based combat system. The game is not rich in plot, and there is no special emphasis on dialogue, as in the old dungeon crawlers. The goal of the game is to level up your team, equip them with weapons, armor and items to prepare them for daring actions in the dungeons under the mysterious outpost.
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