1. Game Giveaways
  2. Solasta Crown of the Magister

Installs: 26
Game Description

Solasta Crown of the Magister Free Game Screenshot
Solasta: Crown of the Magister is an opportunity to enjoy the classic board game on your computer. The game was created by passionate fans of tabletop role-playing games who have been playing them for many years. You control four characters, each with a set of unique skills designed to complement each other. Each character shares their thoughts on what happens during the adventure, making every choice and every action part of the story. Explore ruins and dungeons in search of legendary treasures, find out the truth about the causes of an ancient cataclysm and prevent its recurrence. Build your own adventurer squad with a special set of tools in the best traditions of tabletop role-playing games. Fight monsters with your squad in turn-based tactical battles.
Giveaways Adventure Action 3d Laptop
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