1. Game Giveaways
  2. Syndicate Wars

Installs: 151
Game Description

Syndicate Wars Free Game Screenshot
Syndicate Wars ™ is the sequel to the best real-time strategy game in the cyberpunk genre. This time, you take command of a squad of cyborg agents and turn the lives of enemies into a nightmare. Invest in research, apply new technologies and upgrade your versatile killers. When performing a combat mission, even terrain features can play into your hands, do not forget about it! If you do not have enough hands, equip agents with telepathic devices and make enemies do the dirty work for you. At any level, you will have to act quickly and prudently to come to victory. Telepathic inspirers, electronic mace, satellite rain, atomic grenades - the entire arsenal of the future is at your disposal!
Giveaways Action 3d Laptop Sci Fi
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