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  2. Total War SHOGUN 2

Installs: 112
Game Description

Total War SHOGUN 2 Free Game Screenshot
Total War: SHOGUN 2 features improved full 3D land and sea battles that made a name for the series, as well as a tactical campaign map that many call the heart and soul of Total War. Well-known "Art of War" by Sun Tsu inspired creation of a new AI system and the analysis of this ancient text allowed the developers to implement an easy-to-understand but deep strategic gameplay. Lead enormous armies of samurai and fleets of large warships into exciting real-time battles. Use economic, political, and military power to accumulate wealth, armies, and influence. Use tactics of fire and siege and send spies and assassins to adapt to the changing conditions on the battlefields and throughout your Kingdom. Join epic online battles with up to 8 players and lead your army to the glory in special online campaigns.
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