1. Game Giveaways
  2. Wolfenstein The New Order

Installs: 360
Game Description

Wolfenstein The New Order Free Game Screenshot
Wolfenstein®: The New Order is a combination of psychological drama with a gripping story, adventure and first-person combat. This game is the revival of the series that once started the first person shooter genre. In a tense and cinematic game, the protagonist must crush the Nazi war machine that has conquered all of Europe. With the help of a small handful of surviving fighters of the Resistance, you will have to infiltrate the most secret installations of the Reich, fight legions of fascist combat robots, take control of a superweapon that has conquered the entire Earth, and much more. Tense fights, crazy plot twists and original characters merge into a story that will leave no one indifferent.
Giveaways Fps Action First Person Shooter
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